Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chikungunya (Chicken Guinea, CHIKV)

Chikungunya fever is a viral disease caused by an alphavirus, transmitted to humans by infected Aedes mosquitoes. Aedes aegypti mosquito is a household container breeder and aggressive daytime biter. Aedes albopictus has also played a role in human transmission. The infection can also be transmitted from infected person, and monkeys. The name is derived from the Makonde word meaning "that which bends up" in reference to the stooped posture developed as a result of the Joints (arthritic) symptoms of the disease.
Incubation period (time from bite to illness):
It can be 2-12 days but is usually 3-7 days.
Symptoms of Chikungunya:
The symptoms are similar to dengue fever and are sometimes clinically misdiagnosed as dengue infections. The incidence of chikungunya fever is much higher than reported. The symptoms of the disease include:
1. Fever up to 104 °F. Typically, the fever lasts for 2-3 days and then ends abruptly. It is associated with chills as well as feelings of vomiting and nausea.
2. Spotted (Petechial) or maculopapular rash over trunk and occasionally the limbs.
3. Severe pain in joints (arthralgia or arthritis) affecting multiple joints.
4. Muscular pain (myalgia).
5. headache, fatigue and weakness.
6. The joint pain usually lasts for about 5 to 7 days. Sometimes joint pains may continue for months or years. The prolonged joint pain associated with Chikungunya virus is not typical of dengue.
7. There may be associated conjunctivitis with sensitivity to light (photophobia).
8. There may be swelling of legs (Pedal oedema) in many patients, the cause of which remains obscure.
Platelet Count is found decreased till the disease persists. Decrease Neutrophil count (Nuetropenia) may be present. Common laboratory tests for chikungunya include RT-PCR, virus isolation, and serological tests.
1. Virus isolation provides the most definitive diagnosis but takes 1–2 weeks for completion.
2. RT-PCR can be determined in 1–2 days.
3. ELISA assay to measure Chikungunya-specific IgM levels. Results require 2–3 days.
Treatment of Chikungunya:
There is no specific treatment for Chikungunya. Symptomatic treatment include:
1. Rest,
2. Fluids,
3. Ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or paracetamol for fever and joint pain. Aspirin should be avoided.
4. Chloroquine (250 mg/day) is for treatment of symptoms associated with Chikungunya, and as an anti-inflammatory agent to for the arthritis associated with Chikungunya.
Death is rare in Chikungunya fever. Recovery from the disease varies by age. The severity of the disease as well as its duration is less in younger patients and pregnant women. In pregnant women, the chance of transmission to fetus is rare except at the time of delivery. There is no evidence that the virus is transmitted through breast milk.
Prevention of Chikungunya Fever:
There is no vaccine currently available. Chikungunya virus infection supposed to give life-long immunity. The best way to prevent Chikungunya virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites.
Avoid mosquito bites:
• Use insect repellent.
• Use mosquito coils, and electric vapour mats during the daytime;
• Wear bite-proof long sleeves and trousers preferably treat with permethrin.
• Curtains can also be treated with insecticide to repel or kill mosquitoes.
• Have secure screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.
Prevent mosquito breeding: The Aedes mosquito breeds in manmade dwellings. These breeding sites can be eliminated by:
• Draining water from coolers, tanks, barrels, drums and buckets, etc.
• Emptying coolers, when not in use.
• Remove discarded containers from around the house.
• Empty stagnant water from flower pots, buckets and barrels.
• Drill holes in tire swings to drains out water.
• Keep children's wading pools empty.
1. Coconut water: Coconut water helps patients to recover faster. Coconut water detoxifies the liver, the organ where virus multiplies.
2. Ginger chutney, coriander chutney are said to improve immunity to the disease.
3. Consumption of boiled juice made by mixing one foot Long Branch of Giloi (Tinospora, Amta) and 7-8 leaves of Tulsi (Holy basil) is effective in Chikungunya. It helps in strengthening the immune system.
4. Half tea spoon paste of one part of ginger, four part of garlic and a pinch of pepper power daily for 10 days to amazingly relieve joint pain.
5. Homeopathy is very effective in treatment for Chikungunya. Homeopathic "Genus Epidemicus" given to healthy people increases person's immunity for Chikungunya. Homeopathic drugs like Sulphur, Lycopodium, Colchicum, Ledum Pal, Arnica, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, and Ruta are very effectively for post-chikungunya complaints.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the method mentioned in this article and the site. To avoid any problems, it is advised that you consult a Doctor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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